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Volunteers are the backbone of Netball America®

Volunteers are the backbone of Netball America®.Our goals could not be achieved without those who give their time so freely. If you’re looking to work in sports, event management, social media, broadcast, project management, finance or IT, this is a great opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience that looks great on the resume. Whether you like working alone or in a team, you want to own a project or volunteer at an event, we have opportunities that can be tailored to meet your needs. Most positions are voluntary but sometimes we are able to offer paid opportunities. 

Find an opportunity

Board of Director

Opportunities exist to help oversee the governance of Netball America and drive the strategic direction for Netball in America.

Committee Members

Work as part of a committee on direct tasks, perhaps managing finances, developing reports, managing the project plan, creating engaging content for initiatives, running social media, writing content for marketing, sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.

Executive Management

Help execute the Board of Directors strategic plans and lead our committees in a number of areas such as: Education development, Youth development, Officials development, Membership, Events and Fundraising.

Prioritizing Diversity & Inclusion 

Netball America® does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors and clients.